National Federation of Advanced Information Services

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-08-17


"Open Access (OA) continues to gain momentum as open science and open peer review advance the application of this business model that has become akin to a social movement for many.  Although OA aligns well with a more socially engaged information community, it continues to disrupt and change the direction of how scholarly communications are evolving.

NFAIS will explore this multidimensional disruption at our 'Open Access and Beyond' Conference in Old Town Alexandria, VA, and we invite you to join the discussion. Come and share your insights and expertise with others in our community.

Expect to hear from visionary, inspiring, and future-focused individuals who can elevate discussions and debates. We expect that they will also be providing some practical ideas for a take-away or two (or three). We hope you will share the best of these approaches with colleagues and possibly implement a few to the benefit of your organization."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lterrat's bookmarks

Tags: oa.hei oa.libre

Date tagged:

08/17/2017, 23:10

Date published:

08/17/2017, 19:10