[4차산업혁명시대 저작권](하)공유로 창작활성화 길 열자 - 전자신문
lterrat's bookmarks 2017-08-17
"Korea has also begun to create an environment for fair use of works by securing copyrighted works, freely available to the public, by the Copyright Commission of Korea.
◇ Utilizing Shared Works In Korea, Shared Works is a work that ordinary users can freely use without any copyright. Research reports, photographs, videos, databases (DBs), etc., without permission of the right holder. Copyrighted works, works for which the state decides to release them, and works donated by the copyright owner for the purpose of public use. From 2012, the Copyright Committee will operate a 'shared forum (http://gongu.copyright.or.kr)' that collects expired copyrighted works, donated works, and CCL works that are freely available under certain conditions. . We distribute shared works in texts such as paintings, calligraphy, molding, photographs, patterns, and images, songs, songs, music, songs, videos, multimedia, pamphlets, poems, essays and novels. Individuals can also join as a member. It has been linked to public institutions such as the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the National Library of Korea, and the Korean Fine Arts Association, as well as the European Union's free-of-charge website, 'Europiana'. From 2009, everyone will be invited to create 'Shared Works Creation Competition' to create works in various fields using shared works. This year, he will compete for photo calligraphy, phototun, and motion graphic works. "