Digitale Forschungspolitik | Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-08-17


"It is striking that some parties (CDU, The Greens, AfD) do not mention or only casually mention digitization in the context of science.

The SPD, the Left Party, the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and partially the Greens have thematic overlaps. These include open access and free licenses (SPD, The Left, The Greens), free teaching materials (SPD, FDP) and the strengthening of commercial research (SPD, FDP). The CDU does not deal with any of the research-oriented trends such as open access, free licensing / copyright law and the digitalisation of teaching. Instead, it defines key digital fields for research (eg cybersecurity, biotechnology, artificial intelligence). Only the SPD announces concrete initiatives such as the 'Equality Initiative' for universities and universities, or the 'Open University' where people can study without an Abitur.

It is also interesting which topics the parties do not mention, which, however, are of the highest relevance to science in the digital age. These include, for example, citizen science, public infrastructures for data and publications, the promotion of digital methods in teaching, and the internationalization of universities and universities."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lterrat's bookmarks



Date tagged:

08/17/2017, 23:26

Date published:

08/17/2017, 19:26