Release of OFE academic paper - “A publisher's intellectual property right: Implications for freedom of expression, authors and open content policies” - OpenForum Europe

juschuetze's bookmarks 2017-01-23


"The Commission’s public consultation in 2015 on an “ancillary right” for publishers has raised substantial legal and policy questions about the need for, nature and effectiveness of a separate legal right for publishers to control and/or monetize the use of content published by them. Many questions were raised, stakeholders expressed their views, yet a lot of legal and practical uncertainties remained unanswered. In order to bring more clarity and assess the implications for such a new right, we have commissioned this academic paper to Prof. Dr. Mireille Van Eechoud. Its purpose is to unpack the key legal arguments in favour and against the introduction of additional IP rights for publishers."


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Date tagged:

01/23/2017, 15:54

Date published:

01/22/2017, 22:34