Smoothened overexpression causes trochlear motoneurons to reroute and innervate ipsilateral eyes

pubmed: wnt1 2021-05-20


The trochlear projection is unique among the cranial nerves in that it exits the midbrain dorsally to innervate the contralateral superior oblique muscle in all vertebrates. Trochlear as well as oculomotor motoneurons uniquely depend upon Phox2a and Wnt1, both of which are downstream of Lmx1b, though why trochlear motoneurons display such unusual projections is not fully known. We used Pax2-cre to drive expression of ectopically activated Smoothened (SmoM2) dorsally in the midbrain and anterior...


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Israt Jahan, Jennifer Kersigo, Karen L Elliott, Bernd Fritzsch

Date tagged:

05/20/2021, 18:19

Date published:

01/07/2021, 06:00