An Overview of Potential Therapeutic Agents Targeting WNT/PCP Signaling

pubmed: wnt1 2021-12-07


Since the discovery of the proto-oncogene Wnt1 (Int1) in 1982, WNT signaling has been identified as one of the most important pathways that regulates a wide range of fundamental developmental and physiological processes in multicellular organisms. The canonical WNT signaling pathway depends on the stabilization and translocation of β-catenin and plays important roles in development and homeostasis. The WNT/planar cell polarity (WNT/PCP) signaling, also known as one of the β-catenin-independent...


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Jin Wang, Di Feng, Bo Gao

Date tagged:

12/07/2021, 07:12

Date published:

08/31/2021, 06:00