Validation and analysis of expression, prognosis and immune infiltration of WNT gene family in non-small cell lung cancer

pubmed: wnt1 2022-09-25


Early diagnosis and prognosis prediction of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have been challenging. Signaling cascades involving the Wingless-type (WNT) gene family play important biological roles and show prognostic value in various cancers, including NSCLC. On this basis, this study aimed to investigate the significance of WNTs in the prognosis and tumor immunity in NSCLC by comprehensive analysis. Expression and methylation levels of WNTs were obtained from the ONCOMINE, TIMER, and UALCAN....


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Jianglin Wang, Qingping Yang, Mengjie Tang, Wei Liu

Date tagged:

09/25/2022, 17:44

Date published:

08/12/2022, 06:00