Showcasing our favourite ScienceOpen collections - ScienceOpen Blog

protohedgehog's bookmarks 2017-07-31


In the last few months at ScienceOpen, we have rolled out an incredible number of new features for our users. Now, we feel it is time to take stock, and reflect on how you are all using them to help enhance your research. We want to recognise some of the valuable work from the global research community in helping to make science more open! There are now 177 excellent research collections published on ScienceOpen, each with our pretty slick new collection statistics. With this, we want to highlight just a few of the latest collections that have really caught our eye. Here, the collection editors have each done exceptional work in curating and promoting research to create a valuable resource for their communities.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » protohedgehog's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

07/31/2017, 11:01

Date published:

07/31/2017, 07:01