Imagine a Research Future Defined by Open Values: Introducing the Open Science MOOC โ€“ Generation R

protohedgehog's bookmarks 2019-02-01


The world of research is not working as well as it could be. On all sides we see issues with reproducibility, questionable research practices, barriers and walls, wasteful research, and flawed incentive and reward systems. If we want research to be more effective in helping to solve the problems our world currently faces, we have to be better.

This is what we are trying to help with through the Open Science MOOC. We understand that expectations are changing in how to perform and communicate research, as it adapts to a new age of Web-based technologies. Modern research now demands transparency, collaboration, and a more continuous process. At the Open Science MOOC, we want to help develop a peer-to-peer, value-based community that works towards better science for society.


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Tags: oa.moocs oa.values oa.principles oa.learning oa.knowledge oa.platforms oa.open_science oa.floss oa.courseware oa.skills oa.communities

Date tagged:

02/01/2019, 13:19

Date published:

02/01/2019, 08:19