Sherpa services combined into new user-friendly platform: open policy finder - Jisc

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2024-11-04


We have combined the three Sherpa services, Sherpa Fact, Sherpa Romeo and Sherpa Juliet, into a single platform with a new name, open policy finder.

The new platform will help authors and institutions make informed and confident decisions on open access publication and compliance via a single streamlined and user-friendly interface.

Open policy finder’s web platform and open application programming interface (API) will provide a seamless user experience, ensuring that its comprehensive, world-leading datasets are easily accessible.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » infodocketGARY's bookmarks

Tags: oa.jisc oa.sherpa oa.policies oa.sherpa.romeo oa.sherpa.juliet oa.sherpa.fact oa.renamed

Date tagged:

11/04/2024, 07:31

Date published:

11/04/2024, 02:31