PLOS Partners with CLOCKSS to Safeguard its Journals: A Milestone in Open-Access Preservation - CLOCKSS
infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2024-11-08
"To address these challenges, PLOS has formed a strategic partnership with CLOCKSS to ensure the long-term preservation of its digital content. This collaboration is a significant step for both organizations, as it guarantees that PLOS’s diverse portfolio of 14 journals, covering fields such as biology, medicine, climate science, public health, and genetics, will be preserved in a distributed archival network. The aim of this partnership is to protect essential scientific content for future generations, ensuring that, despite potential technological changes or unforeseen events, the knowledge within these journals remains accessible.
The preservation of open-access content is vital for the academic community, particularly in areas like medicine, public health, and environmental science, where research influences policymaking and education. In this regard, the CLOCKSS network is crucial. By archiving PLOS’s content in a decentralized manner, CLOCKSS ensures that multiple copies of the journals are stored in various locations, providing an additional layer of security against data loss and supporting the ongoing availability of scientific content...."
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