Wiley launches pilot pricing framework to support equitable OA publishing for researchers in Latin America | John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2025-02-10


The pilot program, which began on January 21, 2025, supports authors across 33 countries in Latin America, including in Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean, to publish research in Wiley’s portfolio of nearly 600 gold open access journals. Discounts on Article Publication Charges (APCs) are applied in direct relationship to the Purchasing Power Index (PPI) value of each participating country, informed by data from the World Bank International Comparison Program. The anticipated timeline for the pilot is 12 months, with a mid-term review to inform future actions.  



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Date tagged:

02/10/2025, 12:19

Date published:

02/10/2025, 07:19