Elsevier parent company reports 10% rise in profit, to £3.2bn - Research Professional News

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2025-02-13


"Relx, the parent company of academic publishing giant Elsevier, has reported a 10 per cent underlying growth in its adjusted operating profit for 2024, reaching just under £3.2 billion from revenues of £9.43bn.

Within this, the scientific, technical and medical arm of the company—which includes its publishing business—had an adjusted operating profit of £1.17bn, with underlying growth of five per cent.

This arm had revenue of £3.05bn, giving it an adjusted operating margin of 38.4 per cent, the company reported on 13 February.

Relx said its primary research business “continued to be driven by volume growth, with article submissions growing very strongly across the portfolio, particularly in pay-to-publish”. ..."



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Date tagged:

02/13/2025, 09:45

Date published:

02/13/2025, 04:00