Action Plan for Open Repositories in Europe: IMPACT-REPO - LIBER Europe

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2025-03-12


Today LIBEROpenAIRE, SPARC Europe, and COAR are publishing a plan of action to strengthen and future-proof research repositories in Europe. 

A robust repository network is key for safeguarding Europe’s research legacies to facilitate new knowledge generation and advancing scientific excellence in Europe. And while currently, Europe has one of the most well-developed networks globally with hundreds of repositories, there are low levels of awareness about their important role in the ecosystem.

The IMPACT-REPO action plan aims to address this lack of visibility by articulating four key portraits of the role of repositories: Repositories for impact, inclusiveness, trust, and innovation.

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » infodocketGARY's bookmarks

Tags: oa.repositories oa.liber oa.coar oa.sparc_europe oa.europe oa.openaire

Date tagged:

03/12/2025, 14:03

Date published:

03/12/2025, 10:03