We are visible and we impact. Data analysis from open access and other altmetrics of the Inter-American Journal of Library | Uribe Tirado | American Journal of Librarianship

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2016-09-09


"A study was presented, from OJS of the American Journal of Librarianship-RIB, in interaction with other sources of information ( E-LIS , Google Scholar , RedALyC , SciELO , Web of Science-SciELO Citation Index and Scopus ), which allowed identify national and international visibility and impact of the Magazine, integrating from these sources and from the analysis, both bibliometric data and altmetrics in general. The proposal of a new indicator (D / T Metrics) is applied to turn and the possibility for magazines realities and similar contexts apply the methodology that led to this study in order to identify its visibility and impact, in addition to taking decisions arises both for its quality processes and editorial management and scientific marketing."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป lkfitz's bookmarks


oa.new oa.altmetrics oa.lis oa.impact oa.gold oa.case.journals oa.metrics oa.journals

Date tagged:

09/09/2016, 15:23

Date published:

09/09/2016, 11:23