Curating Research Data: Vol. 1: Practical Strategies for Your Digital Repository

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2017-02-27


Open Access version of book published by ACRL/ALA. 

Edited by edited by Lisa R. Johnston.

"Volume One of Curating Research Data explores the variety of reasons, motivations, and drivers for why data curation services are needed in the context of academic and disciplinary data repository efforts. Twelve chapters, divided into three parts, take an in-depth look at the complex practice of data curation as it emerges around us. Part I sets the stage for data curation by describing current policies, data sharing cultures, and collaborative efforts currently underway that impact potential services. Part II brings several key issues, such as cost recovery and marketing strategy, into focus for practitioners when considering how to put data curation services in action. Finally, Part III describes the full lifecycle of data by examining the ethical and practical reuse issues that data curation practitioners must consider as we strive to prepare data for the future."

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02/27/2017, 17:01

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02/27/2017, 12:01