Expected effects of an open access policy at a private foundation

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2017-04-19


"The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF) was interested in understanding the potential effects of a policy requiring open access to peer-reviewed publications resulting from the research the foundation funds. To explore this question, we collected data on more than 2000 publications in over 500 journals that were generated by GBMF grantees since 2001. We then examined the journal policies to establish how two possible open access policies might have affected grantee publishing habits. We found that 99.3% of the articles published by grantees would have complied with a policy that requires open access within 12 months of publication. We also estimated the annual costs to GBMF for covering fees associated with “gold open access” to be between $250,000 and $2,500,000 annually." 



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Date tagged:

04/19/2017, 08:53

Date published:

04/19/2017, 04:53