CRUI and Elsevier reach agreement for subscription and open access publishing

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2018-07-02


Following constructive and forward-looking negotiations at the end of 2017, the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) has finalized the details of their subscription agreement with information analytics business Elsevier, extending our partnership until 2022. The 5-year contract applies to more than 70 Italian research institutions, allowing them to benefit from access to Elsevier’s high-quality scientific content via Elsevier’s e-platform ScienceDirect and improving the way Italian researchers search for, discover, read and share scholarly research.

CRUI and Elsevier have also initiated a pilot program that encourages Italian researchers to publish their articles open access in support of CRUI’s open access ambitions.


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Date tagged:

07/02/2018, 13:39

Date published:

07/02/2018, 09:39