Elsevier expands Open Access options for Cell Press Journals from January 2021

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2020-12-18


From January 2021, all authors will have the option to publish open access across the entire range of the highly regarded and influential Cell Press family of journals. This publishing route means all Cell Press authors can choose to make their research article available for everyone to read immediately following publication.

In enabling more open access, our principle is always to offer substantial value to the scientific community relative to the quality and rigour of the editorial and publishing services we provide.  As a result, for those titles that do not currently offer an open access publishing option, the article publishing charges (APCs) will be £7,000 / €7,600 / $8,900 for the majority of journals, and £7,800 / €8,500 / $9,900 for our flagship title, Cell. We will align our existing Cell Press APCs for hybrid journals with these new publishing charges.



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Date tagged:

12/18/2020, 12:08

Date published:

12/18/2020, 07:08