CSET Map of Science

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2021-10-09


The CSET Map of Science is a map of scholarly literature constructed by clustering research publications and organizing research clusters (RCs) based on citation linkages. This map can be used for a range of analytic tasks (see our data snapshot series for some example analyses). The publications in the map are drawn from a set of merged scholarly literature we have constructed from Microsoft Academic Graph, Clarivate Web of Science, the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, Dimensions Digital Science, arXiv, and Papers with Code.



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป infodocketGARY's bookmarks


oa.new oa.open_science oa.citations oa.visualizations oa.interactivity

Date tagged:

10/09/2021, 13:16

Date published:

10/09/2021, 09:16