Press Release: University of North Alabama Upgrades Its Institutional Repository with Ubiquity Repositories | by Ubiquity Press ]u[ | Jan, 2022 | Ubiquity Press

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2022-01-08


"The end of 2021 saw the launch of University of North Alabama’s (UNA) “Repository of Open Access Research” (RoOAR) — a nod to the lion mascot living on campus — powered by Ubiquity Repositories.

After testing various software and repository providers, UNA chose the Ubiquity Repositories platform, which largely outperformed all its competitors. Derek Malone, University Librarian, explains that he particularly appreciated the modern look, the intuitive back-end accessibility, and the technical flexibility with Ubiquity Press’s (UP) hosted repository service. With comprehensive out-of-the-box features and no additional fees for add-ons, the Ubiquity solution doesn’t just better meet demands, it is also more cost-effective. With ORCID integration, DOI-minting, and auto-population capacities, the new repository can host any file type and is a capable platform for Open Educational Resources (OERs).

While new features are being launched on a regular basis, and the platform is continuously being developed, Ubiquity Repositories has an established track record migrating clients from Elsevier’s Digital Commons (bepress) and offers a mature and high performance alternative to the publishing giant...."


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Date tagged:

01/08/2022, 16:19

Date published:

01/08/2022, 11:19