De Gruyter and Ubiquity join forces | by ]u[ Ubiquity | Oct, 2022 | Ubiquity

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2022-10-24


"Open research publisher and service provider Ubiquity is joining the Berlin-based academic publisher De Gruyter. Moving forward, the two companies will work together closely to advance both publishers’ mission to make academic research globally accessible and discoverable by offering excellent publishing services. Ubiquity was founded by researchers in order to accelerate change towards open access and open science in 2012. Ubiquity publishes gold and diamond open access journals and books through its imprint Ubiquity Press, and supports 33 independent university presses with publishing services. Along with these partners, Ubiquity currently provides over 800 open access journals and more than 2,800 open access books. Ubiquity extended its services in 2021 with the launch of its institutional repositories platform, adding capacity to drive green open access and the dissemination of all research outputs, such as preprints and data. In line with its principles, Ubiquity bases its journal, book and repository platforms on open source, and is an active contributor to these community-managed codebases. Ubiquity’s customer charter further testifies to the company’s commitment to openness, ensuring that the organization will always publish in open access, base its platforms on open source, and provide unbundled products. De Gruyter has agreed to the continuation of this charter, ensuring that Ubiquity will continue to operate according to these values and in partnership with the open community...."


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Date tagged:

10/24/2022, 15:40

Date published:

10/24/2022, 11:41