Die Förderung von Open-Access-Publikationskosten durch die DFG ab 2021 (Funding of Open Access publication costs by the German Research Foundation from 2021) (17 Sep)
frankhellwig's bookmarks 2020-10-06
Abstract (Google Translate (original slides & abstract in German)):
The open access transformation in Germany has gained momentum through the conclusion of contracts with an open access component. It continues to require adjustments to the financing structures and with greater urgency, as well as greater transparency about the funds that are spent on Open Access.
The adaptation of the financing structures must take place at all levels in order to create an efficient and transparent overall system in the area of publishing. The recording of costs should cover all funds used for publications, including traditional publication fees.
At the same time, the focus should not be narrowed to the open access models, which incur publication fees for individual contributions. The variety of financing models should be retained and expanded further.
The DFG plans to set up a limited funding program starting in 2021, with which universities and non-university research institutions can raise funds for open access publication costs. All formats are supported: in addition to research articles, also books and preprints. It serves as a transition to a polluter pays principle, also in the area of the funds required for Open Access. This program is supplemented by a program for the funding of infrastructures, in which above all Open Access infrastructures and the further formation of structures for Open Access are promoted. The lecture will present motives and details of the future funding of open access publication costs. The complementary program “Infrastructures for Scientific Publishing” will also be presented in this session.