AITAH for divorcing my wife because she lied about her fertility,
reddit: the front page of the internet 2024-03-17
I (M, 38) have been with my wife, Natalie (F, 37), for 8 years (married for 4 years). Natalie has a daughter from a previous relationship, Kaya (F, 12). Kaya’s dad left when she was a newborn. We have no idea where he is. I love her as if she were mine. She calls me dad and has a great relationship with me. I told Natalie from the very beginning that I would like to have biological children, and she said she is open to having more kids. After we got married, we bought a nice place and started trying for a baby. After a year, we did some testing and all came back normal. My wife said IVF would be too costly and hard on her body. I was secretly devastated, but I decided to come to terms with the fact that I'll never have any biological kids. This was until a few days ago when I found out from Natalie’s sister that Natalie lied to me! She and her sister got into a fight in our house, and her sister screamed, "AT LEAST I DON'T TAKE PILLS BEHIND MY HUSBAND’S BACK AND CLAIM I'M INFERTILE! DOES HE KNOW YOU HAD AN ABORTION??" I was floored. My wife kicked her sister out and started crying, saying she really didn’t want another kid and didn't want to lose me. I can’t believe she lied to me instead of talking to me! I just left! I have been staying at my parents' house since then. Natalie begs me to come back, and she says we can try for a baby. Kaya even messaged me to come back! My parents think I should just move on and give her another chance. She made a mistake, and she apologized. AITAH for wanting a divorce for this lie?
ADDED : I live in Canada . I’m pro choice . I do believe women have to control their bodies ! But this is a different case ! She lied to me . I had no idea she is against having more babies until a few days ago !Abortion happened 1.5 year after our wedding . Yes my baby !
yes she saw me devastated an upset when she claimed we can’t have a baby . I can’t believe she lied in my face