AITAH for telling my wife she needs to get over the fact that I shaved my head?

reddit: the front page of the internet 2024-03-28

I(29M) shaved my head(not completely) last week because I had some scalp issues recently. I used to get itchy scalp all the time and I had a dandruff problem. I did not tell it to my wife(30F). When I came back home from the barber, she was shocked to see me with short hair. I told her the reason and she said "Why did you not tell me first and get my opinion?!". I told her why would I get her opinion for shaving my head. She said you look weird with short hair which I agree. She told me she cannot see me in the same way. I asked if she is less attracted to me with that hair. She said kinda and I told her "Opinion received but we both need to get used to it for a while". Since then she brings up my hair frequently and it irritated me. I told her to just get over it and I did it because it's more comfortable for me. I did what I wanted. She does not shave even though I prefer her shaved but do I bring it up all the time or say "why did you not get my opinion for not shaving!?". She told me I do not value her opinions and is upset with me now.


submitted by /u/AirlineRight8206 to r/AITAH [link] [comments]