AITAH for breaking up with my fiancee after she told me she can give me the best sex of my life but does not want to?

reddit: the front page of the internet 2024-04-23

I(27M) was together with my ex-fiancee(27F) for 3 years. We had overall good relationship but I would say the problematic part was the intimacy. She was not into trying out new things and was very selfish in bed. I went above and beyond to pleasure her while she did not reciprocate. I had many discussions about it with her but all she said was "that's how I am". Well, I came to learn it was just how she was with me.

I had a talk with her about it and asked if she was forced to do non-vanilla things in her past relationships. She told me no and she actually liked these. I asked her if there is a problem from my side and if there are things I can do better to make her more passionate. She told me there is no problem. I asked her why she does not put any effort in bed then. She told me "I can rock your world but I just do not want to". I understood this issue will not be resolved in the future either and I do not want to settle for that kind of thing. I cannot force her to do something she does not want to so we are just incompatible in the end. I told her it's over and she should pack things her to leave the house. She was surprised for some reason and tried to convince me. She tried to have families convince me but I was firm on my decision. She left the house today and has been texting me non-stop.

AITAH here?

submitted by /u/Ok_Bodybuilder_8414 to r/AITAH [link] [comments]