Wife is going on a girls trip.

reddit: the front page of the internet 2024-04-23

My 45 year old wife is going on a trip tomorrow along with 6 other girls to celebrate a friends birthday.

Last night I was putting a name tag on her suitcase when I noticed a lacy pair of knickers. Curiosity got me and I took a closer look. Her underwear for the trip definitely came from the sexier side of her drawer - no big deal except that over the last year she hasn’t wore any of this stuff instead opting for “practicality” telling me that women her age don’t wear sexy stuff as it’s uncomfortable and a bit “inappropriate “.

So I’m sitting here thinking what has changed so much that she hasn’t packed any “comfortable “ choices. Obviously bringing this up will cause issues but my imagination is getting the better of me. Am i kidding myself that it’s a fashion thing and that she doesn’t want to be the one in the group wearing granny knickers?

Edit - probably should have said that it’s not lingerie that she’s packed - more like thongs and lacy bras that she would have worn regularly a couple of years ago.

submitted by /u/throwaway24-68 to r/AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]