Why did boomers became the most spiteful generation ever?

reddit: the front page of the internet 2024-04-27

My boomer parents are buying their fourth house. Yes, fourth. And they're as angry as they can be.

I don't get it, I simply don't. Shouldn't they be happy? My parents bought their first house for peanuts. My father didn't finish college, my mother did, and they managed to get everything they always wanted and much more. Of course, they've always made a point out of this. My mother had the rule that my brother and I always had to have less that the kids around us so to not make us entitled, and to not expect handouts. Therefore we learned to not except anything from them since we hadn't yet earned it. So, to be deserving, we studied a lot, we made it do with as little as we could, got into good colleges, got master's degree's and in general got significantly farther away with our education compared to our parents. And then, reality happened: right now I make close to the minimum wage, barely surviving. I didn't expect my life to be like this, so much so that a few years ago I fell into a dangerous depression, and my wife, whom I love, was my only support. My parents, on the contrary, started to almost hate me for being so depressed. Even that I'd followed their whole script faithfully, they never stopped telling me how disappointed they were by me, how betrayed. Even when I started to recover and began reconciling myself with life, my mother visited me and asked me if I was not ashamed of trying to be content with so little. I told her this wasn't a matter of personal effort, that the ruin of a significant part of my generation is a matter of economics and politics, etc, but they kept telling me that I was lazy, that I was a snowflake, that I "didn't knock on enough doors"; just spite, pure spite. I've also heard their friends talking about their respective children. It's almost as if they hate them, it is like they want to punish them all the time, hating their sexuality, their concerns, voting for the worst of the worst political options, gutting welfare, making an idiotic point in wasting and polluting. Just, why? I'm a middle-age man and I don't feel remotely the same way about Gen Z and the younger kids in general. I genuinely like them, even admire them in many respects, I don't want them to suffer, or to endure harsher conditions, or to live in a uninhabitable world. I honestly would want them to be happy! So, again, I ask myself, why did boomers became the most spiteful generation of all?

submitted by /u/concerned_trout to r/BoomersBeingFools [link] [comments]