You will earn $50k a day into long as you complete a daily 12-hour drive (round-trip).

reddit: the front page of the internet 2024-07-18

In this hypothetical, $50,000 respawns every single day at 12:00 noon in the same location: a warehouse in a city located approximately six hours away from your current residence. To successfully claim the money, you must make the drive from your home to the warehouse (6 hours), collect the money, and return back to your home each day (6 hours). You do not earn the money until you complete the 12-hour trip. There are no restrictions on multiple people making the drive together. The money will stop respawning if you fail to complete the drive within a 24-hour period, and you will be allowed to keep all previous earnings at that point.

Essentially, you are being asked to put your life completely on hold for as long as you can manage a daily 12-hour drive. Would you do it, and if so, for how long?

submitted by /u/_Spin_Cycle_ to r/hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]