Can I get a haircut at a black barbershop?

reddit: the front page of the internet 2024-07-20

The title pretty much sums it up but I’ll elaborate. I (26M, white) grew up in a more rural and mostly white community, so if I say something ‘wrong’ it’s not at all intentional - I’m admittedly ignorant to a lot of things, hence coming here to try to learn.

I just moved to a new city and live in a very diverse neighborhood. There are 3 or 4 barbershops within walking distance, but they all appear to be ‘black barbershops’. I say this because when I walk by I only ever see black barbers and black customers. I’m familiar with the cultural significance of barbershops in the black community, and I’m not tryna invade that space or go somewhere I’m not welcome. I don’t want a situation where I walk in and ask for a haircut and they feel like they can’t say no, but I’m not sure how else to figure out if I can get a cut at the barbershop that is right around the corner from me.

So Reddit, my ask is can I get a haircut at one of these shops, and if the answer is “maybe” then how do I figure it out?

Edit: if you have a weird comment regarding racism, apartheid, or segregation then you’re missing the point of the question. If you’re from outside the US, then you’re probably missing the historical and cultural context that the question is based on. Do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree?!? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.

submitted by /u/AZ_United to r/NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]