I'm Captain Disillusion, the titular hero of (and shy filmmaker behind) the YouTube web series that deconstructs Internet video weirdness. Ask me any-things.
reddit: the front page of the internet 2017-07-03
I've been making videos on my channel (http://www.youtube.com/CaptainDisillusion) since 2007. They've crawled up to the Reddit front page a couple of times (thanks!). Recently, Patreon has made it possible for me to turn the production of Captain D into a full-time job. Just barely.
I like filmmaking, visual effects, animation, science and skepticism. And challenging as it is, I love making the series monthly. Sometimes I get things a little wrong, and sometimes I'm not funny in the way I intended to be, but I always learn as a result. I'd like to continue making the show bigger and better, faster and hotter.
If you want to help out or are interested in getting a behind-the-scenes peek at the process, consider patronizing here: http://www.patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion
Also, someone has made a Captain D subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CaptainDisillusion/
I don't run it, but check it once in a while. Could be a good place to submit potential videos for me to examine in future episodes!
My totally not-photoshopped proof: https://twitter.com/CDisillusion/status/881705776905105408