"Last Action Hero" (1993), an underappreciated satire of the action genre which was before its time and featured Arnold Schwarzenegger showing his natural born talent for comedy

reddit: the front page of the internet 2017-07-04

I have to admit, I had low expectations about Last Action Hero when I saw the film since I expected something more conventional and straightforward and I suspect the film was a commercial dud because John McTiernan chose a more atypical route. Instead of being an action film, Last Action Hero is a satire, a intriguing critique of the action genre by showing how it gave us nonsensical plots, ridiculous pairings (just watch Cop and a Half if you thought John McTiernan was exaggerating) and invincible heroes and McTiernan plays with those various tropes and laughs at it while embracing the genre onto itself because, at the end of the day, it is entertainment.

Arnold Schwarzenegger tends to get a lot of stick for his credibility as an actor however he completely commits to the role(s) and embraces its inner tongue in cheek humor. He performs the action scenes as expected yet he also happens to be funny and cloyingly sweet as well.

Last Action Hero is a film worth rediscovering. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

submitted by /u/Pedro645 to r/movies [link] [comments]