American Football is a garbage sport and should be renamed Commercialball

reddit: the front page of the internet 2020-01-17

First off: I’m American, but the commercialism of football is obnoxious. Seemingly every 2 minutes, the game cuts away to: JD POWER AWARD, BUD LIGHT, DODGE RAM, Ad from NFL about their sad attempts at social change, DORITOS. Don’t even get me started on the last half of the fourth quarter. TIMEOUT: DORITOS, FORD F-150, TIME-OUT: GMC SIERRA,etc.

I’m surprised the NFL hasn’t started reviewing every single play so they can cram more commercials in, but I’m sure it’s coming soon. For a sport that pretends it’s so tough and action-packed, there sure is a lot of walking around and commercials.

Edit: Just to highlight, only 60 minutes of football is actually played in the average 3 hour time slot. On average, 63 minutes of commercials are played. The average NFL “football” game features more commercials than football.

Edit: THE BALL IS ONLY IN PLAY FOR 11 MINUTES IN A 3 HOUR TIME SLOT. The clock is running down the other 49 minutes in a typical game.

Edit2: While most of the rant is on the over-commercialization present in the NFL, the slow pace of the game allows the NFL to cram commercials in. Also, don’t even get me started on what constitutes a penalty.

submitted by /u/SpaceForce69420 to r/unpopularopinion [link] [comments]