TIFU by wearing the wrong size condoms for 16 years

reddit: the front page of the internet 2020-01-18

So I'm a pretty average person all around, with the exception that I'm tall (6'4"). I consider myself of average intelligence, average looks, average sense of humor, average dick size.

Really the only other dicks I've seen are a) in porn, and b) a couple of buddies on a skinny dipping night. In all cases I'm smaller. I already know some comments are gonna be all "But what about in the locker room?" what locker rooms are you in that everyone is running around balls out naked? My gym has individual showers and change areas, there's very occasionally someone getting changed in the common area, but I'm not staring at their junk, and yeah, every so often I see someone smaller than me, but that reinforced my viewpoint that I'm extremely average. Okay, back to the story.

Recently I got divorced, I had been with my wife for 16 years. She was my first, and the only woman I'd ever been with. Whenever we used condoms I'd always dread it. I mean, all guys say the same thing about them right? There's no feeling, difficult staying hard, everyone hates condoms. I just assumed that was the universal truth, and it never occurred to me to investigate further. Every time I had to put one on I'd start to go flaccid, apologize, and work really hard to perform. Sex was bad, often way more work than it was worth.

Well, recently I met a woman on Tinder. She has... a lot more experience than I do. Before meeting she asked about my size and I answered honestly, I'm super average. She said that's cool, and we went on a date. At the end of it we hooked up, and there I am trying to put on a condom, same thing as usual happening, struggling to roll it down, starting to go flaccid, getting embarrassed, when she points out that apparently I'm incorrect, not average, and am wearing the wrong sized condoms. I wrote it off, I thought she was just being polite and trying to give me an ego boost to help be not feel so bad. At our next encounter she handed me a larger condom. Holy fucking shit. What the fuck. I no longer feel like I'm about to be swung into battle by an enraged Gimli.

Yes, I recognize the humble brag, but what a fucking waste of 16 years. I'm more pissed about that, then I am 'happy' about my dick size. I'm elated about this problem being fixed, and want to jump for joy and tell my friends, but who can I possibly tell without sounding like a giant bragging douche? Nobody, so instead I'm telling you, I'm fine with sounding like a douche to you.

TL;DR - Wasted 16 years having terrible sex cause I was wearing condoms that were too small.

edit - A lot of people are reading this as though I'd never had sex without a condom, which isn't the case. My wife was on and off birth control for a myriad of reasons. When she was on all was good, when she was off I was in a frequent battle with the Scranton Strangler.

submitted by /u/n_o_u to r/tifu [link] [comments]