ULPT Request: How do I fake being married at work for the next couple of years?

reddit: the front page of the internet 2020-12-29

Just accepted a job offer for a 20% pay bump!

During the interview with the hiring manager, she asked me if I was married and I panicked and I said yes (stupid I know).

The hiring manager probed and I said she was in the banking industry and that her parents even lived right next to my new workplace.

Ultimately I felt this contributed to me getting an edge in the job interview to a small extent.

Now I’m worried about the implications of this. Beyond getting a passable wedding ring how do I deal with the Christmas parties, happy hours and other office related activities that may involve spouses?

TL;DR - I’m an idiot. Please help me.

submitted by /u/Few_Pomegranate_4704 to r/UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]