AITA for telling my wife we can adopt her nephews but not her niece?
reddit: the front page of the internet 2023-11-06
My wife’s sister was recently found guilty of dealing to support her habit. She will be sentenced this week and is looking toward a long term because this is not her first time caught dealing. She has 3 children, 2 boys (4 and 5) and a girl (14). No one on her family’s side wants to or are in a position to take the children except for me and my wife. However, I’m demanding 2 conditions. If we’re going to take the children in, I want us to adopt them. I don’t want 50 people looking over our shoulders trying to tell us what to do. If we’re going to be legal responsible for them, I want to be able to parent them as we see fit. The 2nd condition is that I’m willing to take the 2 boys but not the girl.
The 2 boys have not had any rules in their lives and are terrors but they’re still young and can be taught right from wrong. The girl has gone pass the point of no return. She’s been suspended from school several times for things like fighting and smoking illegal substances on school grounds. She’s also stolen from us and other family members. She’s dating a gang member who was arrested on a home invasion charge but was released because it was his first time and his age.
This is a mess and we’ve been arguing about it for an entire week. I don’t want to risk our financial and personal security but my wife argued that we can’t just throw her away. At this point we’re not even sleeping in the same bed but I’m hesitant to open our house up to the girl and her lifestyle. My wife argues that if we don’t take her, she’ll go into foster care but I pointed out if we don’t take any of them, they’ll all go into foster care.
This is a repost from my original post in another room which was taken down due to some details about the girl’s boyfriend. I removed those details.