AITAH for telling my wife that I dont plan to be monogamous to her for the time being.

reddit: the front page of the internet 2023-12-29

My wife and I were separated for 6 months on her wish. Lets just say, both are at fault. But that's not relevant. I found out that she was having sex few months into separation and I called her in anger. She told me that we never talked about exclusivity in separation(we did not, it was a mistake) and if I want her to stop, she will. I thought about it and told her to do whatever she wants. Its not like she can unfuck the man, and if she had sex one time its not different from having sex more than one time.

I started dating again too and I am in a kind of relationship with a woman there are romantic feelings. We are not exclusive though, she can date other people and I can too.

My wife wants to reconcile now as she has worked on her issues, she is going to therapy etc. I am open to it as there are kids involved and I see a genuine change in her, we can make it work but I am in love with this other woman too and I want her involved in my life. So I was upfront with my wife. I am willing to work on our relationship but I am not willing to let go of my gf.

She said she never had sex after I called her that time as she thought it would hurt our reconciliation if that happened. She even showed me the message of her, to the guy about never contacting her again and blocking him one hour after I called her.

I told her that she cant unfuck the guy, so its not relevant that she stopped. I love my gf and I like her company. She asked me how long am I planning to see her and I told her, as long as I can. She is not a fling, I love her. I cant just discard her nor do I want to.

I dont plan to build a family with my gf, neither does she, I just want her company. I want to build back my family with my wife. But I want my gf too. My wife protested but I told her that she was the one who wanted separation so she cant expect me to not fall in love with someone else.

So here we stand, I do want to reconcile but I wont stop seeing my gf. I love my wife and I love my gf. I dont plan to choose. My gf is okay with me reconciling with my wife.

submitted by /u/legumbrella to r/AITAH [link] [comments]