Nature Publishing Group continues to deceive about #OpenAccess to genome papers
Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-09-26
"Nature Publishing Group continues to deceive about #OpenAccess to genome papers...I was reminded today about the wonderful history of Nature in it's claim that it would make all papers reporting a new genome sequence freely and openly available. I wrote about how this was, well, not the truth, in 2012: The Tree of Life: Hey Nature Publishing Group - When are you going to live up to your promises about "free" genome papers? #opengate #aaaaaarrgh. And today I decided to recheck this...And, well, I found a doozy of an example of a paper that is supposed to be openly available but is not. Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome...That's right. The "public" human genome paper is not freely or openly available. "
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