DOAB User Needs Report released | DOABlog

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-11-18


"This final evaluation and recommendation report is based on the user experiences, needs, and expectations as they emerged from the data collected as part of the DOAB User Needs Analysis. This report aims to advise in the establishment of procedures, criteria and standards concerning the set-up and functioning of the DOAB platform and service and to devise guidelines and recommendations for admissions to DOAB and for its further development, sustainability and implementation. The report gives an overview of the main aims and objectives of the user needs analysis, which are summarised in two main research questions: What are the functional requirements, or needs, which different users have with respect to the platform, the protocols and the procedures that DOAB wants to establish? What kind of recommendations can we extract from the users’ experiences with the beta-platform and their expectations of a future DOAB service?"


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Tags: oa.recommendations oa.doab oa.platforms oa.sustainability oa.publishers oa.funders oa.books oa.quality oa.peer_review oa.copyright oa.business_models oa.economics_of

Date tagged:

11/18/2017, 18:40

Date published:

11/18/2017, 13:40