Academic Journal Publishing is Headed for a Day of Reckoning - Quillette

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-12-07


"Imagine a researcher working under deadline on a funding proposal for a new project. This is the day she’s dedicated to literature review – pulling examples from existing research in published journals to provide evidence for her great idea. Creating an up-to-date picture of where things stand in this narrow corner of her field involves 30 references, but she has access to only 27 of those via her library’s journal subscriptions. Now what? There isn’t time to contact the three primary authors to get copies directly from them. Interlibrary loan will take too long. She could try other sites that host academic papers – such as ResearchGate and Sci-Hub – but access to particular articles isn’t assured and publishers are cracking down on what they call copyright violations."


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Tags: oa.journals oa.publishing oa.paywalls oa.copyright oa.access oa.scholcomm oa.funders oa.authors oa.hei oa.libraries oa.costs oa.economics_of oa.researchgate oa.sci-hub oa.preprints oa.versions oa.guerrilla

Date tagged:

12/07/2017, 10:15

Date published:

12/07/2017, 05:15