Mendeley Data: Now Available via OpenAIRE – Mendeley Blog

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-12-07


"OpenAIRE is a network of repositories, archives and journals that support Open Access policies. OpenAIRE is a Horizon 2020 project, aimed at supporting the implementation of EC and ERC Open Access policies; open access to scientific peer reviewed publications is obligatory for all Horizon 2020 funded projects. The goal is to make as much European funded research output as possible, available to all, via the OpenAIRE portal. Every dataset published in Mendeley Data, which has an associated article or project, now becomes automatically aggregated to the OpenAIRE portal, where it can be found alongside other research. This enables researchers to discover research data from a wide range of repositories in one place. This means Mendeley Data is part of a global collaborative discourse promoting open science. With the availability of entire research projects and associated data, data reuse is supported, accelerating the pace of research."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Amyluv's bookmarks

Tags: oa.openaire oa.policies oa.open_science oa.infrastructure oa.europe oa.mendeley oa.reuse oa.collaboration oa.elsevier oa.platforms oa.repositories

Date tagged:

12/07/2017, 14:25

Date published:

12/07/2017, 04:27