Cengage OpenNow: Big news on the OER front hiding in plain sight -

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-12-10


"In the week prior to the OpenEd conference, Cengage Learning made a fairly big announcement with OpenNow, a "suite of digital products for general education courses with open educational resources (OER) content". In an article from Inside Higher Education, I noted that this news was not out of the blue."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป Amyluv's bookmarks


oa.new oa.oer oa.cengage oa.publishers oa.textbooks oa.courseware oa.hei oa.licensing oa.quality oa.business_models oa.history_of oa.books oa.libre oa.creative_commons

Date tagged:

12/10/2017, 19:21

Date published:

12/10/2017, 14:21