EDP Sciences - French academics to benefit from national open access deal with EDP Sciences
Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-12-12
"Paris, France 12 December 2017. Supported by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, EDP Sciences and Couperin.org the national consortium for academics in France, have signed a significant 5-year open access deal. Through this deal, all authors from French institutions participating in the agreement, including world leading research centers, universities and engineering schools are now able to choose to publish their articles under an open access CC-BY license in a large selection of EDP Sciences journals regardless of whether their institution has a current subscription or not."
https://www.edpsciences.org/en/news-highlights/1642-french-academics-to-benefit-from-national-open-access-deal-with-edp-sciencesFrom feeds:
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