Project to give public access to high-resolution 3-D models of vertebrate anatomy

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-12-14


"A new endeavor among 16 research institutions will create high-resolution, digital three-dimensional images of internal anatomy across a host of vertebrate biodiversity, making the data freely available to researchers and the public. Using the images, educators, scientists and anyone with a 3-D printer will be able to generate highly accurate models for teaching, research or any reason. The undertaking, part of the oVert project, a Thematic Collections Network funded by the National Science Foundation, aims to scan between 20,000 and 30,000 specimens from across the tree of life for vertebrates (animals that have a backbone)."


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Tags: oa.images oa.digitization oa.biodiversity oa.nsf oa.museums oa.biology oa.open_science oa.natural_history oa.funding

Date tagged:

12/14/2017, 16:12

Date published:

12/14/2017, 11:12