ORCID Welcomes Ukraine to Global Consortia - ORCID

Amyluv's bookmarks 2023-01-24


"Last fall, during Open Access Week, we formally announced the formation of our Ukraine Consortium after two years of working together with the consortium lead, the State Scientific and Technical Library (SSTL) of Ukraine. With support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, SSTL took the lead in a national ORCID consortium, initiating with 17 members, including the main national universities and scientific institutions.  During the same time, the Ukrainian government also approved the Open Science Action Plan for the country, which was a critical step toward integration with the European Union research community. ORCID is pleased to have been able to provide a small measure of support to the Ukrainian research community during a time of immense hardship and uncertainty for the country...."



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Date tagged:

01/24/2023, 14:26

Date published:

01/24/2023, 09:26