Transparency for Common Good — Offener Zugang zu Information im Kontext gesellschaftlicher und strategischer Spannungsfelder ( Transparency for Common Good - Open access to information in the context of societal and strategic areas of conflict)

Kirstine's bookmarks 2017-10-18


From Google's English:

"The paper examines the components and principles of the Open Government concept with regard to social and strategic developments. In addition to the definition of these principles and the definition of associated terms ("open", "common good"), "open state art" is linked to three current fields of tension, which determine the starting position for the implementation of open government strategies. Democratization, demography and innovation are central social and economic points of reference for analysis. In addition, already implemented projects and strategies in the area of environment and communities are presented and interpreted at international and national level. A special consideration is the analysis of open access to information and data and its implementation potential in Austria, taking account of country-specific conditions."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Kirstine's bookmarks


oa.austria oa.government oa.german oa.terminology oa.definitions oa.psi oa.economics oa.ssh


Parycek, Peter; Schoßböck, Judith

Date tagged:

10/18/2017, 16:08

Date published:

10/18/2017, 12:08