Appel de Jussieu pour la Science ouverte et la bibliuodiversité (Jussieu Call for Open Science and Bibliodiversity)

Kirstine's bookmarks 2017-11-06


From Google's English:

"Jussieu Call for Open Science and Bibliodiversity

 As recalled by the " Amsterdam Call " published in 2016, the movement for open access to scientific publications is at a crossroads.

After several years of a difficult struggle where it was first to convince rather skeptical actors, it now has powerful support that can consider a rapid switch from the scientific communication system to an open access publishing model : " The importance of free access is no longer a subject of discussion ". It remains to discuss ways to achieve this goal.

Our conviction is that the question of economic models must be placed within the broader framework of the new modes of editorialization on which research and innovation will be based tomorrow and that their development can only be very broad bibliodiversity.

We consider it necessary to favor an open access model that is not based on a single approach to APC (Article Processing Charges - publication fees to allow free access to articles) - such an approach would innovation and could only delay if not stop the advent of bibliodiversity.

We join in this with the joint statement by UNESCO and the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) on open access which highlights all the difficulties raised by this unique model.

Our aim is therefore to develop and implement alternative models adapted to the objectives of open science by affirming the need to support innovation for a deep renovation of editorial functions, as called by the League of European Research Libraries ( LIBER) or the International Council for Science (ICSU) ."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Kirstine's bookmarks

Tags: oa.france oa.french oa.costs oa.economics oa.signatures oa.declarations oa.open_science oa.bibliodiversity oa.ssh


Serge BAUIN; Céline BARTHONNAT; Christine BERTHAUD; Thierry BOUCHE; Francois CAVALIER; Gregory COLCANAP; Odile CONTAT; Nathalie FARGIER; Thierry FOURNIER; Anne-Solweig GREMILLET; Frédéric HÉLEIN; Odile HOLOGNE; Emmanuelle JANNES-OBER; Jacques LAFAIT; Annie WHITE; Jean François LUTZ; Sandrine MALOTAUX; Jacques MILLET; Pierre MOUNIER; Jean-Francois NOMINÉ; Christine OKRET-MANVILLE; Christine OLLENDORFF; Sébastien RESPINGUE-PERRIN; Julien ROCHE; Laurent ROMARY; Dominique ROUX; Joachim SCHOPFEL; Bernard TEISSIER; Armelle THOMAS; Céline VAUTRIN

Date tagged:

11/06/2017, 03:45

Date published:

11/05/2017, 22:45