Science ouverte : une base de données internationale pour mutualiser l'imagerie cérébrale de primates - Communiqués et dossiers de presse (Open Science: An International Database to Pool Primate Brain Imaging)

Kirstine's bookmarks 2018-10-27


From Google's English:

"Open to the entire scientific community the brain imaging data of primates obtained in laboratories: this is the goal of the PRIME-DE 1database , created by an international consortium of 22 teams working with macaques, including six teams from CNRS, Inserm and CEA. Because of a brain organization very close to ours, the macaque remains an essential model for the study of the functioning of the human brain and its pathologies. This initiative, described in the journal Neuron on September 27, 2018, will increase the statistical relevance of the results obtained and reduce the number of animals used."



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Date tagged:

10/27/2018, 04:50

Date published:

10/27/2018, 00:50