Room for everyone's talent: Toward a new balance in the recognition and reward of academics

Kirstine's bookmarks 2019-11-24


Dutch public knowledge institutions and funders call for a modernization of the academic system of recognition and rewards, in particular in five key areas: education, research, impact, leadership and (for university medical centres) patient care. Sicco de Knecht writes, for ScienceGuide, that a culture change and national and international cooperation is required to achieve such modernization. 

“Many academics feel there is a one-sided emphasis on research performance, frequently leading to the undervaluation of the other key areas such as education, impact, leadership and (for university medical centres) patient care. This puts strain on the ambitions that exist in these areas. The assessment system must be adapted and improved in each of the areas and in the connections between them.”


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Tags: oa.netherlands oa.slides oa.incentives oa.assessment oa.impact oa.quality oa.universities oa.hei

Date tagged:

11/24/2019, 14:10

Date published:

11/24/2019, 11:51