IFLA -- LIANZA Library Panel: Libraries looking forward

Kirstine's bookmarks 2020-09-22


The Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (LIANZA) is the professional organization for library and information workers in New Zealand, and also promotes library and information education and professional development within New Zealand.

New Zealand, Australia and Pacific nations are experiencing uncertainty as to what the ‘new normal’ could look like. There has been a wealth of inspiring kōrero about a post-COVID-19 recovery and the opportunity to build a society that prioritises our interconnections with each other and the planet.

This online LIANZA event will explore how libraries are responding to the global pandemic, sharing different perspectives and providing new insights about the impact that libraries are making in our countries and region. Join our panel from ‘down-under’ and hear their ideas for the future, the opportunities that lie ahead and how we can work together to strengthen libraries to connect and power our communities.

IFLA President Christine Mackenzie will take part in the online panel discussion.



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Date tagged:

09/22/2020, 06:24

Date published:

09/22/2020, 02:24